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4. Binding Project File

3. Command line options

3.1. Usage

shiboken [options] header-file typesystem-file

3.2. Options

Disable verbose error messages. Turn the CPython code hard to debug but saves a few kilobytes in the generated binding.
This flag enable an useful heuristic which can save a lot of work related to object ownership when writing the typesystem. For more info, check Parentship heuristics.
Enable pyside extensions like support for signal/slots. Use this if you are creating a binding based on PySide.
Enable heuristics to detect parent relationship on return values. For more info, check Return value heuristics.
Specify the supported api version used to generate the bindings.
Set the debug level.
Do not generate any code, just the documentation.
Semicolon separated list of type system entries (classes, namespaces, global functions and enums) to be dropped from generation.
Generator set to be used (e.g. qtdoc).
Display this help and exit.
Include paths used by the C++ parser.
File used for copyright headers of generated files.
Show all warnings.
The directory where the generated files will be written.
Avoid printing any message.
Paths used when searching for type system files.
Output version information and exit.