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Detailed Description

The PySide.QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractUriResolver class is a callback interface for resolving Uniform Resource Identifiers.

A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string that uniquely identifies a resource. URIs are versatile global identifiers. It is often useful to transform a URI that identifies something logical into a URI that locates something physical (a URL), or to simply map a URI to a different URI. QAbstractUriResolver.resolve() provides this functionality.

For example, one could write a PySide.QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractUriResolver subclass that rewrites library ISBN number URIs as book title URLs, e.g., urn:isbn:0-345-33973-8 would be rewritten as file:///books/returnOfTheKing.doc . Or a PySide.QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractUriResolver subclass could be written for a web browser to let the web browser protect the user’s private files by mapping incoming requests for them to null URIs.

class PySide.QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractUriResolver([parent=None])

Constructs a PySide.QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractUriResolver with the specified parent .

PySide.QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractUriResolver.resolve(relative, baseURI)
Return type:


Returns the relative URI resolved using the baseURI .

The caller guarantees that both relative and baseURI are valid, and that baseURI is absolute. relative can be relative, absolute, or empty.

The returned PySide.QtCore.QUrl can be a default constructed PySide.QtCore.QUrl . If it is not a default constructed PySide.QtCore.QUrl , it will be absolute and valid. If a default constructed PySide.QtCore.QUrl is returned, it means the relative URI was not accepted to be resolved.

If the reimplemented PySide.QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractUriResolver.resolve() function decides it has nothing to do about resolving the relative URI, it should simply return the relative URI resolved against the baseURI , i.e.:

return baseURI.resolved(relative);

See also

QUrl.isRelative() QUrl.isValid()