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Detailed Description

The PySide.QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler class provides an interface to report DTD content of XML data.

If an application needs information about notations and unparsed entities, it can implement this interface and register an instance with QXmlReader.setDTDHandler() .

Note that this interface includes only those DTD events that the XML recommendation requires processors to report, i.e. notation and unparsed entity declarations using PySide.QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler.notationDecl() and PySide.QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler.unparsedEntityDecl() respectively.

class PySide.QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler
Return type:unicode

The reader calls this function to get an error string if any of the handler functions returns false.

PySide.QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler.notationDecl(name, publicId, systemId)
  • name – unicode
  • publicId – unicode
  • systemId – unicode
Return type:


The reader calls this function when it has parsed a notation declaration.

The argument name is the notation name, publicId is the notation’s public identifier and systemId is the notation’s system identifier.

If this function returns false the reader stops parsing and reports an error. The reader uses the function PySide.QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler.errorString() to get the error message.

PySide.QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler.unparsedEntityDecl(name, publicId, systemId, notationName)
  • name – unicode
  • publicId – unicode
  • systemId – unicode
  • notationName – unicode
Return type:


The reader calls this function when it finds an unparsed entity declaration.

The argument name is the unparsed entity’s name, publicId is the entity’s public identifier, systemId is the entity’s system identifier and notationName is the name of the associated notation.

If this function returns false the reader stops parsing and reports an error. The reader uses the function PySide.QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler.errorString() to get the error message.