The PySide.QtGui.QColumnView class provides a model/view implementation of a column view.
PySide.QtGui.QColumnView displays a model in a number of QListViews, one for each hierarchy in the tree. This is sometimes referred to as a cascading list.
The PySide.QtGui.QColumnView class is one of the Model/View Classes and is part of Qt’s model/view framework .
PySide.QtGui.QColumnView implements the interfaces defined by the PySide.QtGui.QAbstractItemView class to allow it to display data provided by models derived from the PySide.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel class.
See also
Model/View Programming
Parameters: | parent – PySide.QtGui.QWidget |
Constructs a column view with a parent to represent a model’s data. Use PySide.QtGui.QColumnView.setModel() to set the model.
See also
Return type: |
Returns a list of the width of all the columns in this view.
Parameters: | rootIndex – PySide.QtCore.QModelIndex |
Return type: | PySide.QtGui.QAbstractItemView |
To use a custom widget for the final column when you select an item overload this function and return a widget. index is the root index that will be assigned to the view.
Return the new view. PySide.QtGui.QColumnView will automatically take ownership of the widget.
Parameters: | column – PySide.QtGui.QAbstractItemView |
Copies the behavior and options of the column view and applies them to the column such as the PySide.QtGui.QAbstractItemView.iconSize() , PySide.QtGui.QAbstractItemView.textElideMode() and PySide.QtGui.QAbstractItemView.alternatingRowColors() . This can be useful when reimplementing PySide.QtGui.QColumnView.createColumn() .
Return type: | PySide.QtGui.QWidget |
Returns the preview widget, or 0 if there is none.
Return type: | PySide.QtCore.bool |
This property holds the way to specify if the list views gets resize grips or not.
By default, visible is set to true
See also
Parameters: | list – |
Parameters: | widget – PySide.QtGui.QWidget |
Sets the preview widget .
The widget becomes a child of the column view, and will be destroyed when the column area is deleted or when a new widget is set.
Parameters: | visible – PySide.QtCore.bool |
This property holds the way to specify if the list views gets resize grips or not.
By default, visible is set to true
See also
Parameters: | index – PySide.QtCore.QModelIndex |