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Detailed Description

The PySide.QtCore.QSysInfo class provides information about the system.

  • WordSize specifies the size of a pointer for the platform on which the application is compiled.
  • ByteOrder specifies whether the platform is big-endian or little-endian.
  • WindowsVersion specifies the version of the Windows operating system on which the application is run (Windows only)
  • MacintoshVersion specifies the version of the Macintosh operating system on which the application is run (Mac only).

Some constants are defined only on certain platforms. You can use the preprocessor symbols Q_WS_WIN() and Q_WS_MAC() to test that the application is compiled under Windows or Mac.

See also


class PySide.QtCore.QSysInfo
Constant Description
QSysInfo.BigEndian Big-endian byte order (also called Network byte order)
QSysInfo.LittleEndian Little-endian byte order
QSysInfo.ByteOrder Equals BigEndian or LittleEndian , depending on the platform’s byte order.

This enum provides platform-specific information about the sizes of data structures used by the underlying architecture.

Constant Description
QSysInfo.WordSize The size in bits of a pointer for the platform on which the application is compiled (32 or 64).